New tool facilitates collaboration for impactful engineering outreach

Release Date: 20 Oct 2022


The Tomorrow’s Engineers Code has launched a powerful new feature for the Code Community. The virtual matching system, Code Connect, will help organisations share expertise, offer insight and identify potential partners.

Code Connect offers easy access to searchable information about other organisations funding, designing or delivering engineering outreach activities, providing a way to connect with them in a few simple steps. It is available to Code Signatories and Supporters and responds to their calls for an easier way to collaborate.

The Tomorrow’s Engineers Code is a community of almost 250 organisations working toward common goals to increase the diversity and number of young people entering engineering careers. Managed by EngineeringUK on behalf of the engineering community, The Code was created to support organisations of all sizes (including SMEs, corporates, professional engineering institutions and more) that fund, design and/or deliver engineering inspiration activities. The Code is shaped around 4 pledges, to inspire connection, drive inclusion, showcase engineering and improve impact.

Automotive manufacturer, Unipres UK Limited has joined Code Connect and said: “We saw this as a perfect opportunity to collaborate with other like-minded organisations so that we could make connections that would help us share best practice. By using Code Connect we can develop our own interactions with young people so that we can help inspire a more diverse engineering workforce for the future.”

The Met Office has joined Code Connect and said it will support them in identifying potential partnerships: “We are keen to reach a greater number and diversity of young people with our education outreach programme to increase STEM capital, particularly of those who are under-represented in the workforce, and encourage more young people to embark upon careers with the Met Office and wider STEM sector and Civil Service. By networking with organisations with these common aims, Code Connect is well placed to enable this.”

Melanie Washington, Director of Engagement Projects at EngineeringUK, commented: “In early 2022 The Tomorrow’s Engineers Code community told us they'd like an easy way to collaborate with others in the community. We wanted to develop a searchable system that would facilitate that collaboration. I'm confident that Code Connect will not only provide a way for Signatories and Supporters to connect and share insight and expertise, but will provide a springboard for high impact collaboration.

“I encourage all organisations involved in engineering outreach activities to join The Code community and get Code Connected.”


To find out more about Code Connect, visit   

Notes to Editors

If you would like to further information about Code Connect or would like to arrange an interview with Melanie Washington, Director of Engagement Projects at EngineeringUK, then please contact Macy Richardson ( / 07597 858947)

The Tomorrow’s Engineers Code is a commitment to work towards common goals to increase the diversity and number of young people entering engineering careers. The Code was created by and is for the engineering community and has been brought to life through funding and in-kind support from a range of organisations including the founding Signatories Anglo American, the Department for Education and Shell.

EngineeringUK is a not-for-profit organisation that works in partnership with the engineering community to inspire tomorrow’s engineers. We lead the engagement programmes: The Big Bang, Robotics Challenge and Energy Quest and help schools bring STEM to life through real-world engineering via Neon. We bring engineering careers inspiration and resources together through Tomorrow’s Engineers and manage The Code, which drives change at scale to increase the number and diversity of young people choosing academic and vocational pathways into engineering. We base everything we do on evidence and share our insight widely.