How we work

We work in partnership with hundreds of organisations, all of which share in our vision for a UK with the diverse workforce needed for engineering and technology to thrive and to drive economic prosperity, improve sustainability and achieve net zero

We collaborate, co-create and share. We want to really drive up the quality and collective impact of engineering engagement activities and believe in working together and sharing our tools, insights and expertise. We curate and share best practice online and through events and we analyse what enables, inspires or deters young people from choosing a career in engineering and technology.

We form strategic partnerships to broaden reach especially to underrepresented groups, including with Careers & Enterprise Company, Department for Education, Engineering Council, Royal Academy of Engineering, STEM Learning and UK Research and Innovation. And we are part of the National Engineering Policy Centre

We engage and inspire. We participate in and drive inspirational campaigns which transform the perception of engineering of young people and their influencers. We target our programmes to students from groups underrepresented in engineering and tech and try to have proportionate participation across the UK.

Our membership comprises the Professional Engineering Institutions and some of the country’s best-known engineering companies, while more still work with us as sponsors of The Big Bang, programme funders, as contributors to Neon and as partners in our research.


We are a not-for-profit organisation, funded predominantly via the professional registration fees of individual engineers, as well as the support of a range of businesses, trusts and foundations, and a Corporate Membership scheme.

Our 2022 accounts are available to download.

Equity, diversity and inclusion

We all want everyone to feel they belong and thrive at EngineeringUK. We understand that we have different needs, we value our differences and create opportunities for every voice to be heard.

We believe this is key to achieving diversity at all levels in the organisation and helps us deliver our mission to encourage more young people from all backgrounds to work in engineering and technology.

Read more about our work on equity, diversity and inclusion.

Environmental sustainability

We want the UK to have the engineers needed to design and build an environmentally sustainable society. Our environmental sustainability strategy has 3 objectives:

  1. Grow our understanding of how to inspire young people into engineering to meet the workforce needs for environmental sustainability
  2. Inform and inspire young people so that more choose to make a positive impact on the environment through engineering careers
  3. Operate in an environmentally sustainable way, in our programme delivery and office (reducing resources used, energy, pollution and waste)

We are also committing to:

  • reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 75%, over the period 2019-30
  • reduce our Scope 3 emissions by at least 40%, over the period 2019-30
  • reduce all emissions by at least 90%, over the period 2019-40

Find out more about our work on environmental sustainability.


The EngineeringUK governance structure includes a Board of Trustees, Committees, Panels and Colleges.

Our Board meets 4 times a year, and is made up of up to 16 members:

  • The Chair
  • 4 members elected through a system of electoral colleges
  • 4 members nominated by each of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Royal Academy of Engineering
  • The Chair of the Engineering Council
  • Up to 6 members appointed by the Board

Each member can serve for a maximum of 6 years (2 3-year terms).


We work to the following externally accredited standards, which act as a framework for our quality, delivery and improvement.

ISO 9001ISO9001

ISO 9001 is an international standard that provides a tried and trusted framework for taking a systematic approach to managing our organisation's systems and processes so that we can consistently turn out a service or product that satisfies customer expectations.

Listening and responding

If you would like to contact us with a compliment, suggestion or a complaint please visit Contact Us. We aim to respond to any complaints as quickly as possible and will endeavour to resolve them within 20 working days.

Diversity and inclusion

We are proud members of the Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion (enei), the UK's leading employer network covering all aspects of equality and inclusion issues in the workplace. EngineeringUK was awarded the enei TIDE Silver Award in 2023.